Compliance Electricity and Electrical Systems

Compliance Electricity and Electrical Systems

What is compliance electricity?

Compliance electricity is the electricity that is generated and used in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes the generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption of electricity. It also covers the storage and handling of electrical equipment and materials.

Benefits of compliance electricity

There are many benefits of compliance electricity, including reducing your carbon footprint, improving energy efficiency, and reducing your overall energy costs. Compliance electricity can also help improve the reliability of your electrical system and make it easier to comply with electrical codes and standards.

Types of compliance electricity

There are numerous types of compliance electricity, all of which must follow certain standards in order to ensure the safety of both people and property. The most common type of compliance electricity is low-voltage, which includes everything from standard household wiring to commercial and industrial equipment. Other types of compliance electricity include medium-voltage (which is used for some electric utilities), high-voltage (used for long-distance transmission), and extra-high voltage (used for extremely high power applications).

The electricity sector in Belgium is highly reliant on compliance with electricity safety regulations.

It is also worth noting that some of the electricity used in Belgium is imported from neighbouring countries (France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.). The current regulatory framework in Belgium is generally silent about electric-power storage, which (unlike gas storage) is not considered a task belonging to the legal monopoly of the network operators.

The electrical systems in many buildings in Belgium are outdated, which can present a compliance risk.

Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (5) and Directive 2009/72/EC have made a significant contribution towards the creation of the internal market for electricity. However, the Union’s energy system is in the middle of a profound change. The common goal of decarbonising the energy system creates new opportunities and challenges for market participants. At the same time, technological developments allow for new forms of consumer participation and cross-border cooperation. There is a need to adapt the Union market rules to a new market reality.

With the aim to illustrate how countries are transposing the above provisions, E.DSO hosted on 27 October an online workshop on “Implementation of Electricity Directive provisions in the field of flexibility”. This event was an initiative of E.DSO members from five different countries: Poland, France, Germany, Greece, and the Netherlands.

Compliance Electricity and Electrical Systems in Belgium

The specific rules and requirements set out above apply to cross-border supplies of electricity to end users in Belgium. The price for an electrical compliance report is 150 euros VAT included. This rate is valid by electric meter, for all types of houses or apartment in all regions in Belgium (a day/night meter equal one meter).

In Belgium, if you buy a house whose electrical installation was done before 1981, the seller will have to give you a certification of an electrical inspection performed for the sale. The certification will either state that the installation is compliant or not compliant. In the latter case the reasons will be described and you will have up to 18 months from the sale to bring it into conformity and have another inspection carried out to certify it. Inspections are compulsory also if an existing electrical installation is being modified substantially.

Building codes with specific regulation on thermal insulation of the building envelope started appearing after the 1970s in Europe. This means that a large share of today’s EU building stock was built without any energy performance requirement: one third (35%) of the EU building stock is over 50 years old, more than 40% of the building stock was built before 1960. Almost 75% of it is energy inefficient according to current building standards. Source: JRC report “Achieving the cost-effective energy transformation of Europe’s buildings”.


electrical systems

Our electrical compliance services meet all of the requirements of relevant legislation, regulations, and standards pertaining to electrical safety. Unlike many other providers, we provide complete compliance services, from testing to repairs, allowing our clients to be confident that the electrics in their workplace are safe.
It is critical to ensure that you are operating in a safe environment and that you are in electrical compliance with safety legislation. We are experts at providing clients with all of the necessary information and services to ensure total compliance.

Remedial Works & Repairs

Following the completion of electrical safety testing, the necessary corrective actions must be taken. The risk is that an accident or incident occurs after tests reveal a flaw but before the flaw is corrected. We are distinct in that we will identify the faults and provide Electrical Remedial Repairs.

electrical systems

